How To Earn Money From Instagram In 2020 (With 100 Followers)

How To Earn Money From Instagram In 2020 (With 100 Followers)



In today's post, I am going to tell you how you can earn money from Instagram. How to earn money from Instagram, I will explain everything to you step by step. If you like this article, share it.

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Welcome to sheikh jahir blog. My name is sheikh jahir. You can call me jahir. In this blog we explain many types of earning methods & providing best Youtube tips and tricks. 


If you are using Instagram for likes and followers in current time, then you are wasting your time.In today's article, I am going to share some methods with you, with the help of which you will also be able to earn from Instagram.You do not need too many followers to earn money from Instagram. You have 50 followers in Instagram, you will be able to start earning in so many followers too.

How To Earn Money From Instagram:

There are many ways to earn money from Instagram, I will tell you all those ways.

1: Affiliate Marketing (On Niche Related Pages) 

You can take an affiliate commission to sell the products of big companies.On every purchase you will get an affiliate commission, which will be applied directly in your bank account. 

Different companies have different networks.  Amazon, Flipkart, Impact Radius and many more. After joining, you will get various products.  You will get an affiliate commission by selling them. 

The best method to do this thing is to put down related content on your Instagram account. The more you put the topic related content, the more chances are there in your account that people will buy your products.And for this you do not need 10000 or 20000 followers. You can start this work in 50 or 100 followers too. 

2: Shout out - With Story Or Post

You can charge money to promote others' profiles. You can charge for the story separately to give a shout out. You can charge separately for the post. You can start shout outs even with 1000-5000 followers. 

As your growth will grow, your charges will increase on Instagram. You will have less earnings in less followers. 

3: Selling Services To Your Followers 

If you get some work, you have a skill.  You can sell that skill through your Instagram account. People will hire you for this and in return you will get money. By using this same technic, a lot of digital marketers are running as much business as they have in todays time. And this same technic, you can also do it. 

To earn more profit, you need more followers. To do more earning in this method, you do not have to scam, you have to provide good services. So that whatever your customers are, they can share your services with their friends related and you also have more business. 

4: Personal Brand Promotion

To earn by this method you will not have to earn through Instagram directly. If you have an already running business, you can promote that business with the help of Instagram. 

If you already have a YouTube channel, you have a blog, you can use your Instagram account to promote that blog or YouTube channel. On Instagram, you can talk directly with your audience and build a link. 

You can also use this same technique if you also want to promote your personal brand.

5: Selling Product On Instagram

Now, you do not have to sell any affiliate product here, you have to make a good product and sell them. 

Suppose for example, you have an Instagram account that follows all the latest fashion trends in your audience, then with such audiences you can print your shirt, T-shirt and sell them through Instagram account.

These same technics are doing a lot of Instagram accounts. You will also be following many such Instagram accounts where you will get some product selling story, post you must have ordered Definitely at some time.


If you liked this article, then definitely share it in social media. You can also earn money from Instagram.